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Final examinations are one week away! The matric start their exam on 24 October 2023 while Grades 8 to 11 will start with English  on 30 October 2023.

At RHS we respect our school environment. We take pride in the condition of our classrooms, ablution facilities and the school gardens. These areas are dedicated to learning and enjoyment. As a school, we take responsibility for keeping our environment tidy.

Today's Birthday:

Omphemetse Kgari (Grade 9)
Aliyah Stallenberg (Grade 8)

Saturday Birthdays:
Odirile Tlhomedi (Grade 10)



You’ll need a strong stomach to get through World Tripe Day. It’s on this day every October 24th that people celebrate a unique food called tripe. When you eat tripe, you’re eating the stomach lining of a cow!

Sounds gross, right? Before you start gagging, give tripe a chance. Just think, at one time, the world considered foods like lobster and snails gross, too. These foods were only deemed fit for the lower class. Now, they are among the most popular foods for the wealthy. While kings and queens may not be eating tripe, many people throughout the world are.
Cajun sausage often contains tripe. So do soups made in Mexico, India, Portugal, Poland, and the Philippines. The Vietnamese use tripe as an ingredient in pho, their national dish. Tripe is also consumed in France and Italy. In the United States, some restaurants have tripe on the menu. Fedora, a high-end restaurant in New York City, serves up tripe. So does Lenzi’s Restaurant in Pittsburgh.

If you’re still not sure you will ever eat tripe, consider the health benefits. Tripe is high in protein and low in calories. It also contains Vitamin B-12, zinc, calcium, and other minerals.

If you’re like most people, you probably have some questions about tripe.
Questions like:

  • Are there different kinds of tripe? There are four types of tripe, depending on which cow stomach it comes from. The most common type of tripe is honeycomb tripe from the reticulum.
  • How does tripe look? Tripe usually either has a yellowish-looking honeycomb pattern or a solid white sheet.
  • What does tripe feel like? Tripe has a dense, chewy texture, sort of like calamari, but not as rubbery.
  • Does tripe taste like chicken? Tripe does not taste like chicken! Some say that tripe tastes like liver.
  • What does tripe smell like? Some people say that tripe smells like wet hay and dirt, sort of like a barn.

Once you get past the smell, feel, and look of tripe, you might actually like it!