Sometimes high school seems like a necessary evil, that step between childhood and the structure of primary school and adulthood and the freedom of college. Over the next few days we will discover helpful tips to ensure that you excel at school. Follow these tips and you will find school more manageable, and more beneficial.
đź‘‘Winning Tip #8
Do it for fun! Don’t do things just to put them on your applications and please, please don’t make it too serious! High school sports and clubs should be fun, not a competition to get the most awards to put on your applications. Don’t join the yearbook staff because you want to be the editor next year to make your resume look better; don’t join the four sports teams just to win Athlete of the Year. Take part in activities and sports and clubs because you like them, and because the experience will make you a better, stronger, more well-rounded person. You will get into college, so don’t spend your time trying too hard.