Sometimes high school seems like a necessary evil, that step between childhood and the structure of primary school and adulthood and the freedom of college. Over the next few days we will discover helpful tips to ensure that you excel at school. Follow these tips and you will find school more manageable, and more beneficial.
đź‘‘Winning Tip #6
Don’t focus too much on popularity. While the idea of the clique is definitely high school specific, there are still loose groups in college. Fortunately these are not based on the vague idea of “popularity” and instead on things you actually have in common – your friends, where you live, classes, sports, clubs and activities. You do have to be active about making friends, especially at a larger school, but those friends may be much more of a reflection of your values than kids you hung out with in high school because they were your group. Everyone wants to be popular in high school, but don’t waste too much time worrying about it. In four years, you’ll be in a completely new situation, and no one will care what clique you were in in high school.