Sometimes high school seems like a necessary evil, that step between childhood and the structure of primary school and adulthood and the freedom of college. Over the next few days we will discover helpful tips to ensure that you excel at school. Follow these tips and you will find school more manageable, and more beneficial.
👑Winning Tip #7
Join a club/team/activity. Extracurriculars are what make your time in high school worthwhile. A lot of what you learn you will forget or have to learn again in college, but the experience of being on a team or president of a club or writing for the newspaper is what you will remember. You'll learn a whole lot about dealing with others, and about yourself and your own limits. If there's something you're interested in but your high school has no team or club, start one. So what if you and your best friend are the only members for the first year. If you're passionate about it, do it; others will follow. And if you find something you really love, do not give it up when you get to college. There will be an outlet. Basically, find something you like doing and pursue it - it doesn't have to be what you want to do with your life, just something you want to do right now. Be passionate about something.